The pillow book (Makura no Soshi)
The pillow book (Makura no Soshi)
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"The Pillow Book" (Makura no Soshi) is a classic work of Japanese literature from the Heian period, authored by Sei Shonagon. It consists of a collection of essays, anecdotes, poems, and descriptive passages that detail Sei Shonagon's observations of court life.
In "The Pillow Book," Sei Shonagon captures the essence of each season with distinct and evocative descriptions. These excerpts are among the most celebrated for their vivid imagery and poetic expression. Here's an explanation of each season's depiction:
Spring: "In spring it is the dawn-little by little the sky above the peaks of the mountains becomes clearer, and the sky brightens just a bit as wisps of purplish clouds trail along."
夏は夜。月のころはさらなり。やみもなほ、蛍の多く飛びちがひたる。また、 ただ一つ二つなど、ほのかにうち光りて行くもをかし。雨など降るもをかし。
Summer: "Summer is the night. It is beautiful when the moon is out. The darkness is broken only by the flying fireflies."
秋は夕暮れ。夕日のさして山の端いと近うなりたるに、烏の寝どころへ行く とて、三つ四つ、二つ三つなど、飛びいそぐさへあはれなり。まいて雁などの つらねたるが、いと小さく見ゆるはいとをかし。日入りはてて、風の音、虫の 音など、はたいふべきにあらず。
Autumn: "Autumn is the evening. As the sun sets near the mountain's edge, crows hasten to their roosts in groups of twos and threes; even this sight is somehow moving. The first chill rains of the season are equally touching."
冬はつとめて。雪の降りたるはいふべきにもあらず、霜のいと白きも、また さらでもいと寒きに、火など急ぎおこして、炭もて渡るもいとつきづきし。 昼になりて、ぬるくゆるびもていけば、火桶の火も白き灰がちになりてわろし。
Winter: "Winter is early darkness. The snowfall is beyond description. The frost is wonderfully white, and how splendid are the fires for warmth! Even walking over the snow-covered reed mats is moving."
・Prices shown are for a set of 4 sheets.
・We will ask you if you would like to have a frame or not.
※The size shown is the size with a black frame(The acrylic frame will be 35.0 cm length x 47.0cm width.
・It takes at least one week from the time of order to the time of shipment.
Lebar: 63,5 cm
Panjangnya: 48 cm
Instruksi perawatan
Instruksi perawatan
President of Kogetsu-kai.
Executive director of Akitsukai, exhibition judging committee, and president of Akitsukai Kyoto branch.